Reading Roundup | 1.3.21 | Christmastide 2

In which I roundup a portion of my reading from the last week (or so)… That's right friends, Christmastide is a season, not just a day. It goes for 12 days (sound familiar) from December 25 - January 5. This week's links continue the theme of the Incarnation from last week. There is admittedly, more … Continue reading Reading Roundup | 1.3.21 | Christmastide 2

Reading Roundup | 12.20.20 | Advent IV: Love

We wait in dependent hope, peace, & joy for the coming (again) of the incarnate love of Jesus our Liberating King Ian Paul at Psephizo on this week's gospel passage | The annunciation to Mary in Luke 1 On a superficial level, Mary’s question in Luke 1.34 looks parallel to that of Zechariah in Luke 1.18, but it is … Continue reading Reading Roundup | 12.20.20 | Advent IV: Love